Alexandra Mara
I A.M. Fitness is your self-improvement journey through exercise and healthy habits.
Choose Your PLAN
Pick a program that best fits your schedule and goals. All plans offer a full money back guarantee.
/8 weeks commitment
2 customized workouts weekly
1 weekly cardio
Weekly Check-ins
Photos & Video Conferences
Pick a program that best fits your schedule and goals. All plans offer a full money back guarantee.
online program
$330/ 8 week-commitment; 2 customized workouts weekly, plus 1 cardio. Weekly check-ins. Photos, video conference.
$130, 2 customized workouts. Weekly check-ins
ASK about macro-nutrient coaching

Mission Statement
I’ve been in love with fitness and health for over a decade.
My guiding principle when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is to keep it simple.
This means eating a balanced diet and moving more (exercise).
Living a health-conscious life should not be a chore; fitness should be fun.
I am no different than you are. If you doubt me, I’d love to prove you wrong!
Hitting rock bottom is what it took for me to realize time doesn’t stop for anything or anyone, certainly not me. If I want to take the reigns, there is not time like the present for a boss babe build-up.
My Boss Babe Build-up principles include:
- Slay in some way every damn day
- If you made the bed, sleep in it (a.k.a. hold yourself accountable)
- Everyday offers an opportunity to improve – Consistency is your friend — hold yourself accountable
- k.I.S.S. – keep it simple, sis
Clients recommending me
She pushed me to find my strongest inner self and achieve my goals while feeling incredibly motivated and supported the entire time! "

Featured Classes
Strength & stamina
In FitFlex’s Strength and Stamina class, we will delve deep into building the fittest body you can. The class aims to not only shape you up, but also instruct and inform you in the right methods to do weightlifting and working out.
Flexibility postures
Learn how to maintain a comfortable and healthy posture, with our comprehensive class that goes through the most popular Yoga and Pilates postures. These postures are gears to make your body more flexibile and agile.
achieving your goals
Getting in shape forces you to face your biggest challenges, and sticking to a regular routine for a long period of time. This class will make sure you know how to focus on the right exercises and workouts to reach your goals.